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Employ yourself in culture

October 2022 – May 2023

In partnership with:

  • High School of Fine Arts, Split

Creativity and transversal skills play a crucial role for the future job market and job profiles, nevertheless, the inclusion of these aspects into skills development approaches is still incomplete. Therefore, during the European Year of Youth 2022, Creative FLIP supports a second round of the Learning Labs Program. 

The aim of the program is to allow Cultural and Creative Sector (CCS) organizations and structures to establish cooperation projects with schools, introducing students to creative professions and building ties with their local community. As part of the initiative, students explore creative and transversal skills through a co-creation project, while also discussing and learning about related topics such as the importance of protecting and respecting intellectual property and creations.

During the school year 2022/2023 we implemented 12 workshops in the High School of Arts in Split to promote the possibilities of (self)employment in the CCS, focusing on the profession of Cultural Manager. This profession is still not well known or understood at the local level, therefore, we wanted to introduce new perspectives on the work in the CCIs, share examples and explain the principles of social entrepreneurship and innovation in the field, while opening the space for co-creation and ideation process. The Learning Lab served as a motivation for students to start their own projects in future and potentially become self-employed or more “employable” for the existing cultural institutions.

The Creative FLIP Project is co-funded by the European Commission and project partners: the Goethe-Institut (Lead partner), European Creative Hubs Network, IDEA Consult, 3s Unternehmensberatung and Intellectual Property Institute Luxembourg.

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